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Get ready for an exciting journey with
Keep Telling Yourself.

Chad Sanschagrin, a powerhouse in personal development, guides you in owning your story and transforming your life. Chad breaks it down into 10 key elements that'll shift your mindset from self-doubt to confidence, from scarcity to abundance, and from feeling worthless to realizing your true value.
Create a Life of Abundance.

Speaking Topics

1000+ Keynote presentations in 48 states and 7 countries

E.E.A (Explore, Educate, Advance)

A framework for continuous growth and development through exploration, education, and advancement.

Conflict Management

Strategies for effectively navigating and resolving conflicts in the workplace or personal life.

Path to Expertise

A roadmap for cultivating deep knowledge and mastery in your chosen field.

Valley of Despair

Overcoming the challenges and disillusionment that often accompany the pursuit of excellence.

Dickens Method of Teaching

An approach to coaching and mentoring that prioritizes storytelling and real-life examples.

Pyramid of Trust

Building and maintaining trust within teams and organizations through a structured hierarchy of actions.

Self Programing Paradigm

Techniques for reframing your mindset and beliefs to achieve greater success and fulfillment.

Calibrated Questioning

The art of asking incisive questions to uncover insights, overcome obstacles, and drive progress.

Expectations and Requirements

Aligning expectations and clearly defining requirements for successful teamwork and project execution.


Strategies for effective delegation that empowers team members and drives productivity.

Stress Versus Distress Versus Eustress

Understanding the differences between positive and negative stress and managing them accordingly.

Fear Based Decision Making

Recognizing and overcoming the pitfalls of fear-driven decision-making processes.

Radical Candor

Cultivating a culture of direct and honest feedback for personal and organizational growth.

4 Levels of Learning

Mastering the four stages of learning: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and unconscious competence.

Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation

Harnessing the power of intrinsic motivation for sustained engagement and peak performance.

Creating Your Manifesto

Defining your personal or organizational values, principles, and mission through a powerful manifesto.

Data = Success

Leveraging data and analytics to drive informed decision-making and achieve measurable success.